Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chronicles of the "Purple Lady" Part I

errhhmm, sorry for the sudden interruption. This is Freaktwit reporting on the latest updates of "queen ellyzabeth". still remember her? I shouldn't be putting up her tabloids here lah but for conveniency sake hehe hope you girls won't mind.
Anyway just a short update on current situation:
- currently living separately, children all taken by her
- possible divorcing action in progress

Story started a few months back roughly on 15th January 2008 if my pregnant mind not mistaken. :p Quarreled with the hubby (as usual), just this time whole family got involved in separating them before any of them got killed. Reasons for quarreling will be detailed when we meet in person. ;)
2 days later she suddenly packed all her stuffs and some of kids stuffs and basically drag the elder daughter out from our house. When i say drag, I MEAN IT. cos the daughter dun wan to leave with her, but she forced by dragging her while she squirming on the floor. (this info came from my maids and drivers) at the time of happening, me not at home, BUT my mother was at home. Only that she just came back from Bali and was too busy unpacking and cleaning up for new year in her own room that she didn't realise her granddaughter's crying was because of that. After she left then the maids told us, we scolded the maids terribly of cos for not telling my mum WHEN it happened. Up till this point, remember that none of us are in any conflict with her, only she with her hubby. And of cos later on the day, my bro told us he's the one who asked her to leave. ^^;;

Anyway the next day, she asked her maids to come to our house to collect her kids clothes. No prior informing my mum or anyone at home. Her maids just knock the door, come in get the stuffs and leave. We not at home of cos.(RUDE MAN, thats my mum's house not her hubby's house, Uneducated biatch) oh forgot one more info, I was there since early january hehe stayed there until last week. :p And also since I was there, I can tell u I haven't seen her call my mum even once,not even a "hi" Even though she keeps passing her by, eat at the same table, but she like treat my mum invisible.

The 2nd day even better, she actually called my bro's office and borrow a pick up van and AGAIN asked the maids to come to my mum's house when none of us at home, clear up all the kids toys, (the amount is enough to open childcare home) she asked the maid to just take everything dun leave anything behind. Lucky this time one of our maids smart quickly call my mum, my mum told her not to let them take toys that belongs to my 2nd brother's son. At this point my mum gets angry liao, cos ignoring her and "clearing" her house while she not around hits her button. She straight away ordered the maids at home tat from now on, do not open the door for her or her maids unless got orders from my mom. I was asked to call the office and informed all employees that from today onwards, she is in conflict with us, do not show her company's secrets do not loan car unless we got say so. THEN HOR, 2 hours later, my employee called me: says she wanna borrow the pick up again, I asked for wat? she says: toys too many wanna return some. ^^;; I was like WTF u think my mum's house warehouse ah? U like u take dun like u dump back? I got angry at this point and told my employee, DO NOT lend her the pick up, tell her since she so greedy took all in the first place she can keep everything we dun need any of it back. (dunno if me wrong to do this,but I just find her disrespect towards my parents unbearable)

Then on the same nite, she sms my brother this:(rough translation lah ya)
Until today I'm still your wife, I have your children and I demand that you respect me as your wife. As your wife means I'm allowed to go back our home get my stuffs, why are you all forbiding me to take my own stuffs back? What rights have you all to do this to me? And also *th auntie even though no husband, but she got her own house, own car, own bank deposits. Why don't i have any?

Ok, let me defend my family a bit. hehe Its not that we forbade her to get her own stuffs back,had she nicely told my mum that she is asking her maids to come collect stuffs my mum would have let her do it. Cos must remember leh, up till this point we never quarelled with her at all leh, and we have been very nice to her leh, why can't she call us then? why don't she talk to us about her problems with my brother? Even if she assume we on our bro's side, but isn't it just right to at least inform your in-laws that you are having problem with ur hubby and that he has asked her to leave etc At least clear up any misunderstandings mah rite or not? Considering she keeps telling us she dun wan to leave, she wans to stay etc.
And as for the *th auntie, for your info, her hubby DIED young and she stayed unmarried looking after my uncle's 3 children, and they have been married for like 10 years plus,OF COS she gets her own house lah. Who is she to compare with my *th auntie man. And to mention the bank deposits, holy cow she sounds like one of those "China girl" to me man. Dun u girls think so?

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