Thursday, March 27, 2008

Part II "Purple Lady"

Forgot to mention this on Part I : My dad actually bought them a house already, and she actually almost got hold on a big bank deposit. wuahaha her luck for showing her craziness too early and got cancelled off by my dad.

After the last incident, she like went missing with the children for like 3 weeks plus. because previously she has a case of running home so often, my parents just ignore them. anyway they adults already mah, why should my parents "cap" so much rite? anyhow, 3 weeks later, CNY also coming, suddenly my mum's friend called: eh your house's address in newspaper leh, u got case with the police is it? We were like : HUH? what newspaper? what case?

Later on that day we got hold of the newspaper and the biatch actually filed a police report of being assaulted by hubby. The report roughly says like this:
Wife of PALM OIL PLANTATION reports of being abused my husband repeatedly. She came with her father to file a case of abused and her father said: I saw my daughter's limping and whole body blue black,eyes black and sore, hands blue black everywhere,then she told me her husband hits her. I got angry and so I bring her here to file a case against her husband. The victim of address bla bla bla who is the wife of several Palm oil plantation owner says: yeah i have been beaten several times, this time i can't take it anymore hence I come with my father to file a case.

HOLY COW. let me clarify first ya. The day she left, I can honestly tell infront of all the GODS AND MIGHTY BEINGS that exist, she is DEFINITELY not limping, nor is there any blue black on her body,her hands and eyes. And considering she wears f***kingly little at home everyday we can see everything except her pubic hair and nipples. And lucky for us, there are several maids and drivers at home when she left the house that day, and they become our witness later in this case. And hor, her hubby not owner of plantation lor for goodness sake, it still belongs to my father and uncles leh. Not even handed down to them yet leh. I tell you why she thought she already got it later in person. hehe

Seriously lor, up till this point, my parents are shocked beyond words. And after several minutes then they managed to say: So her ultimate motives is to extort us. Because hor, in our country, for our ethnic, once you report a case to police ya, your main motives is only for money. And please hor, they even state in the newspaper that they have medical records to proof that she was indeed beaten tat bad u know. So I really wondering is it after she reached home, she asked her dad to beat her up. ^^;; Seriously a msytery to us even now.

Because its CNY soon, my dad still wanna talk peace with them. Because we realised later on, that the biatch has actually been talking to my dad. She knows my dad has a soft spot for her, so she keeps telling my dad that she actually wans peace wans to go back bla bla bla.

Seriously girls: if she really wanna comes back, would she lodge a police report? And lodge such demeaning report somemore?

So anyhow her father called up my dad says need to talk. its like last minute call one ok. Say today 5 pm he called my dad says: 7pm we talk at where. and this talking session actually took place several times and each time everything everyone agreed ok no problem, the next day they change everything and says cancelled. And we actually brings a middle man who is their parents best friends just to be fair for them u know. Until the last time which was a few weeks ago, my dad got frustrated lor, the middle man also frustrated with their changing minds everytime. This time, the biatch says she will only come back if my bro signed the below agreement:
1. A house under my name, and I choose to buy which house where and how much
2. a car under my name for my personal use
3 Promise not to hit me AGAIN or we will divorce
4. A bank deposits with enough money until my children are all grown up and independent.

Seriously, would any sane guy signed this? First of all if my bro signed it, it will means he admits to hitting her taht bad, somemore hor no need to put that point, if my bro really hit her she can divorve anytime wat rite or not? This is so a trap. As for point 1 and 2 not a problem anyway she is having them soon if she hasnt left. as for 4, seriously lah, u girls tell me, how much money u need to bring up 2 children at current economic standard? she better off just says give her UNLIMITTED bank account.

My dad was furious lor of cos, this is so clear she is extorting us. So my dad gives up and tells my bro you handle urself i dun care what you wan to do, its your life your wife your children you decide i'm tired already.

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